
Showing posts from May, 2019

Baptism of Osvaldo

Hey everyone! So this past week Osvaldo was able to get baptized and confirmed! Although, there were some scares along the way. But everything turned out great!  So, on Sunday, we went to talk with Osvaldo and told him that we could baptize him that week. But then, from monday to thursday, we weren't able to find him to talk with him more about it. Come friday, we finally find him and set everything up for his baptism later that night. But then, for some reasons, we weren't able to do it that night. After being stressed out and exhausted, we find out that we can baptize him on sunday, after all the church services. And so it happened. Long story short, everything went great! I'll include pictures of the baptism!    We have also been teaching Yuli and her daughter Evelin, who are referrals of Eduardo and their family. They are very interested in learning more. And we are going to go with them tonight as well! They couldn't make it to church yeste


Hey everybody.  So this past week went great! We did quite a bit. So let's talk about it! So first, Eduardo was confirmed on Sunday! Along with his little bro Miguel! It was cool! We almost had a heart attack at first, but everything went well!  We also worked a lot with the people we had from last week. But, we didn't have much success with any of them. So we are going to try again this week and see if they go to church. Last week, we were able to help out some hermanas in our zone with their baptism. We went to go do the interviews for 4 different kids. 2 boys and 2 girls. And saturday they had their baptism! But sadly only 2 of them ended up getting baptized, Angela and Elizabeth. But I had the privelige of baptizing them! It was cool!  And now, we have been working with a "less-active" youth in our ward. But it turns out that his records are no where to be found. And yesterday, the bishop told us that because they don't have any information

Eduardo's Baptism

Hey everyone!  So this past week was great! We had Eduardo and Miguel's baptism yesterday! They didn't get confirmed yet, but next sunday they will! But let's talk about them! So last last saturday their parents found us in the street, and after talking they went to an activity that we had and we kept visiting them from that point. They were inactive for quite a while, but they told us that they want to come back. It has been cool to see how their parents and their kids have progressed! But yeah, they are going to get confirmed this sunday! We are also starting to work with their friends as well! Eduardo and Miguel have a ton of friends that live by them, and we are hoping that we can have success with their friends as well!  We also contacted this lady and her younger daughter that work in a lavanderia (laundromat). They are super cool! We passed by their house last week and taught a short lesson about the first half of the restoration, and she expres

May the Sixth be with you

What's going on everybody? What's new? So this past week was pretty great! We made some good progress and cool stuff happened. So let's talk about that. First off, zone conference happened friday and saturday. It was a lot of fun! It was also the last interview that we are all going to have with Pres. Cahoon before he finishes. It was a very good conference, and we talked about the most effective way of doing missionary work, which is focusing on the youth, young adults and recent converts. We also played soccer for a while too! It was fantastic! Though I am kind of sore! Haha We also talked with this young woman named Daniela after we had a crazy experience with her family. She expressed how she feels peace and happiness when we are there and that she wants to go to church with us on sunday. Sadly, she didn't it. But we are going to pass by this week again.  We also found this less active family. Well better said, they found us. We were just sitting do

Goodbye Seattle

Hey everybody. So today one of my comps, Elder Montiel, left us to go up north. It was cool being in a trio with him and Elder Brooke. But now me and Elder Brooke are going to work together!  But this past week was good. We were visiting our converts throughout the week, and helping them understand more of the gospel. We also started doing mututals to help them gain even more excitement for the church. It was fun! We played soccer and basketball. Also, Angelica left for San Luis already, so we will no longer be able to visit her until she comes and visits again. But she has been reading the Book of Mormon and it is really cool to see!  We also worked a bit with a less active youth named Osvaldo. He is really cool and he went to church 2 weeks ago. He gave us a few different people that we could go and visit, and he has a strong desire of going on a mission later. We also received a couple referrals from our converts and their mom as well!  But as of right now, we don